Episode 10: The Bayless Connection (S1E11)

Episode 10

29th February 2016

When Wyatt (the guy from the music video for “Take On Me”) beams aboard the Enterprise to marry Counselor Troi, Commander Riker realizes that he won’t “be gone in a day,” and it really puts him in a foul mood. It doesn’t help that Troi’s mother is getting into people’s heads, and the combination of […]

Episode notes

When Wyatt (the guy from the music video for “Take On Me”) beams aboard the Enterprise to marry Counselor Troi, Commander Riker realizes that he won’t “be gone in a day,” and it really puts him in a foul mood. It doesn’t help that Troi’s mother is getting into people’s heads, and the combination of Wyatt’s creepy Glamour Shots-style drawings and the arrival of an alien ship mean that the wedding plans are off the rails in a hurry. What is “80’s hot” anyway? Does big hair qualify as formal attire? Can Troi’s mom see inside Riker’s head, and does she want to? It’s the most 80’s episode yet, and we’re forced to review it!

In this episode...

About the show

The Greatest Generation is a comedy podcast about Star Trek, beloved by everyone from people who’ve never seen an episode to hardcore nerds who are fluent in Klingon.

Once a week Benjamin Ahr Harrison and Adam Pranica watch an episode of Star Trek and tell you what’s great, what’s bad, and what’s hilarious about the show they grew up loving, and still do. It’s a little bit nerdy, a lot filthy, and exposes some of Adam and Ben’s most embarrassing stories from their dorky childhoods.

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