Episode notes
On this week’s podcast, Adam and guest Rosie Cooney discuss how trophy hunting can actually preserve wild species. It sounds insane and paradoxical, but countries that actually manage trophy hunting well can save species like rhinos from extinction. Rosie, who appeared on Adam Ruins Animals, is chair of the IUCN’s Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy (CEESP)/Species Survival Commission (SSC) Sustainable Use and Livelihoods Specialist Group. On the podcast, she and Adam discuss how trophy hunting can benefit conservation efforts, where it works and where it has failed, and whether there’s hope for wild species.
Adam is on Twitter @AdamConover and you can find past episodes and bonus content from the TruTV show at AdamRuinsEverything.com.
Produced by Shara Morris for MaximumFun.org.
In this episode...
About the show
First, on the Adam Ruins Everything TV show, Adam Conover broke down widespread misconceptions about everything we take for granted. Now, join Adam as he sits down with the experts and stars from the show to go into even more detail.
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