Just when you thought you couldn’t anticipate it more.

Posted by Maximum Fun on 30th October 2006

Todd Hansen, editor of The Onion, on the Borat film (from AST):

“I was one of the lucky few to see Borat several months ago at one of the very early advance screenings in NYC. My ex pecations were very high going in… so much so, in fact, that I was afraid I was going to ruin it for myself before it ever had a chance by expecting too much for any movie to deliver. I have lterally been going nuts ever since trying to keep my mouth shut and not tell anyone about what’s in it because the fact is — it exceeded even my own wildest versions of a best-case scenario.

It is sheer brilliance. Trust me, you will not be disappointed. If you don’t think Borat is one of the funniest movies of the last five years or more, chances are you’re probably just not that into comedy. I was floored, and so was the whole audience. It was months ago, and just thinking about it I am floored still.

My main point: get ready to be happy.”