Entourage, by Chip Pope

Posted by Maximum Fun on 14th June 2006

Our friend Chip Pope offers this insightful commentary on HBO’s Entourage:

Dude, bro, dude, dude, bro, dude, bro,bro!


HBO is so fuckin’ awesome on Sunday night, Brah! Between the fuckin’ hilarious misadventures of Vince and Co. on “Entourage” and the “Tourgasm” guys, I’d have to go to ESPN to find more useless, idiotic, misguided testosterone! I’m so glad I’m paying for this channel!

Fuck her hard for me, bro!

(Oh, unless “Entourage” is meant as satire. Then, I hate it. I only like it if its theme is that to truly be happy, you have to be famous and bang a lot of hot fucking chicks with fake titties while you star in stupid, big budget movies. If it has any other level to it, I fucking hate it, brahhhh!)

Signed, Test Market Asshole