April Pendergraft has spent most of what can loosely be called her adult life in nonprofit fundraising, at first by accident and lately on purpose. She’s been in charge of fundraising for several public media stations and believes strongly in the unique value of audience-supported content- and is happy to talk your ear off about it. April is positively ecstatic about bringing her media fundraising experience to Maximum Fun, and welcoming even more people into this wonderful community.
A list of things April loves: Her family, stout beer, road trips, shared playlists, retro video games, documentaries, travel, animals, people, snow. You can often find her engaging in some new adventure such as sword fighting class, flying lessons, songwriting, and most recently, motherhood. She lives with her talented and supportive partner, their adorable baby daughter, and a very old yet spry Basset Hound.
Photo credit: Teunissen Photography
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