E Pluribus Motto cover art

Get involved in MaxFun’s upcoming show!

We’ve got a new show to tell you about. You can’t listen just yet, but you can get involved in a number of ways—and maybe even be featured on the show!

Posted by C.N. Josephs on 25th September 2024

Coming soon: E Pluribus Motto with John Hodgman and Janet Varney!

Janet Varney and John Hodgman have a brand new show thanks to MaxFun members. This road trip of a podcast starts up in October, but we have some opportunities for you to get involved now!

E Pluribus Motto cover art

Sneak peek at this delightful cover art by Paul G. Hammond.

Back in 2023, Janet Varney (The JV Club) and John Hodgman (Judge John Hodgman) made a promise during the MaxFunDrive: if they hit a certain membership goal, they’d do a podcast all about state mottos.

Now, we’re delighted to officially announce E Pluribus Motto! Join Janet and John on a hilarious and heartfelt journey as two friends explore the fascinating history of each state’s motto and symbols, highlight the pride we feel about the places we’re from, and celebrate regional culture.

E Pluribus Motto’s first season includes:

  • Connecticut
  • Rhode Island
  • Massachusetts
  • Virginia
  • South Carolina
  • New York
  • Vermont
  • Georgia
  • Tennessee
  • Illinois

We wanna hear from you!

Are you from one of the states listed above? Send us a voice memo talking about your state—whether it’s a sentimental anecdote, funny story, piece of trivia, recommendation for the best pizza place, or any other musings about your home—and we may include it in a future episode. Just send a voice memo to emailpluribusmotto@maximumfun.org with your state in the subject line.

→ Send in your thoughts!

Small Business Owners: Get on our bulletin board!

If you run a small, local business in any of the above states, you can purchase a message to be read out by Janet or John in your state’s episode! Spots are only $250 and there are just two per state. So, get the word out about your donut shop or extremely niche museum or woodworking collective or whatever cool company you want all of us to know about by filling out the form!

→ Buy a spot on the board!

Have photos of your state featured in episode art!

If you’ve taken a great photo of a landmark from one of these states, and you want the world to see it, send it to stacey@maximumfun.org.

We’d love to turn the letters of the word “MOTTO” into a collage of your photos in the art for each episode. If we use yours, we’ll credit you in the show notes! (And let’s say, by emailing us your photo, you agree to not bill or sue us for using it in the episode art or for using that art on social media—deal?)

→ Email us your state photos

E Pluribus Motto will premiere in October, so keep your eyes on your inbox for more information about the release date and how to subscribe!

— Stacey and your friends at MaxFun

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