If you live in New York want to check out a very talented yet criminally underknown commedian, go see Andrew J Lederer run through his show he’s taking to the Fringe Festial next week.
“There’ll be a second and final New York preview of “Anthology” on Sunday afternoon at 5PM at Jimmy’s No. 43, 43 E 7 St, Btwn Bowery and 2nd Av. in the East Village. (It’s down a long flight of steps and in a performance space accessible from the rear of the bar.) Come, pay what you wish (no one will scoff it it’s nothing) and help me get comfortable with the material before taking it to Scotland.”
I’ve seen Andrew perform several times, from fluid 10-minute conversations to his epic 60 minute monologue “Me and Hitler” and I am always entertained. I always regret missing “Bridge Burner,” his hour monologue about how worked very hard to get a break and blown nearly every single one of them he’s gotten.
And while he says that there’s no charge, you should put in a few bucks if you can afford it. He needs a little something to eat while he’s in Scottland.