Episode 25: Bud Hammes on Why Talking About Death Is Life-Changing

26th April 2017

Bud Hammes joins us on today’s episode to discuss his work with advanced care planning – the idea that as we get older, we should have discussions with our doctors and our loved ones on how we want to end our lives. Having such systems in place not only gives us control over our deaths […]

Episode notes

Bud Hammes joins us on today’s episode to discuss his work with advanced care planning – the idea that as we get older, we should have discussions with our doctors and our loved ones on how we want to end our lives. Having such systems in place not only gives us control over our deaths but it also clarifies our final wishes for our family and friends. 
Bud is one of the foremost thought leaders on advanced care planning. In his hometown of La Crosse, Wisconsin alone, some 96 percent of people who die there have some sort of advance directive. On the episode, Adam and Bud discuss what constitutes a ‘good death’, the potential misuses of these planning processes, and its success in La Crosse and cities across the country.
Adam is on Twitter @AdamConover and you can find past episodes and bonus content from the TruTV show at AdamRuinsEverything.com. Produced by Shara Morris for MaximumFun.org

In this episode...

About the show

First, on the Adam Ruins Everything TV show, Adam Conover broke down widespread misconceptions about everything we take for granted. Now, join Adam as he sits down with the experts and stars from the show to go into even more detail.


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