We are so excited to announce Destination DIY, Baby Geniuses, and The Flop House are now part of the Maximum Fun family. You probably already know and love these wonderful shows, but in case you’re not familiar, here’s a rundown:
Destination DIY
Destination DIY is a show about all kinds of creativity. Host Julie Sabatier takes the concept of “doing it yourself” well beyond arts & crafts and home improvement. From fitness, to health care, to building a space suit, Destination DIY is about recognizing that you are an authority.
Baby Geniuses
Comedian Emily Heller and cartoonist Lisa Hanawalt love learning stuff, and they pursue that knowledge by inviting guests to share information on whatever topic they want! Self-proclaimed and dubious experts alike are welcome on Baby Geniuses.
The Flop House
Not every movie is a hit, but even the worst of the worst can be fun when Flop House hosts Elliott Kalan, Dan McCoy, and Stuart Wellington examine them.
We know you’ll love these shows as much as we do. Please give all of these new additions and their hosts a warm welcome if you see them around the internet. And don’t forget you can subscribe to the feeds for updates and support the creators by becoming a MaxFun member today!