Please Welcome: Risk!

Posted by Maximum Fun on 27th September 2012

Welcome the newest MaxFun show: Risk!

Risk! is true tales, boldly told.

For the last few years, Kevin Allison has been bringing the funniest and most insightful performers on both coasts together to share true stories from their lives. True stories that they never thought they’d share.

I’ve loved Risk! for years. It’s fascinating and hilarious and touching, and it always surprises me. Kevin is an amazing editor and guide for the show, and I think we share the same values.

I’m so proud that when Kevin decided to join a podcast network, he chose You now have the opportunity to support Kevin’s work (and ours) directly by becoming a MaxFun donor on MaxFunDay, October 15th.

We’ve reached the organizational size where we can start to spend money speculatively. We’ve added shows and new production initiatives, and we’re counting on you to help us support them. If you’re not already a donor, think about the value that our work has in your life, and remember that on MaxFunDay. If you are – maybe hector someone you know into joining.

So: if you’ve never heard Risk!, head over to iTunes and subscibe now. Or if you’re not an iTunes user, subscribe with this RSS feed. And if you have heard it, remember to support it. We’re so happy to have Kevin and his team as part of the MaxFun family.